

Sorry for not talking much most of the time
Sorry for having you to start the conversation most of the time
Sorry for letting you down by not giving you the response that you expect from me
Sorry for not being concern enough about you and I'll try my best to improve this


人越长越大, 看到的东西就越来越多. 以前的忍, 都是很不服气的忍, 所以常常在忍耐着的时候, 都会有很想哭的感觉. 现在的忍, 应该算是比较成熟的忍了. 忍耐着的当儿, 我会尝试推测或找出事发背后的原因, 再在适当的时候, 说几句话来平息整个场合. 但很多时候, 我都难免会表露出黑到像炭的脸.



很多时候, 当我躺在床上后, 很快的, 我就能熟睡了. 因为我从没留意, 到底人是怎么才会睡着的, 所以搞到我现在失眠时, 不知道要怎么哄自己入睡. 我好像已经忘记了要怎么睡觉!! >.<

我尝试了各种方法来哄自己入睡--听音乐, 反复地告诉自己要睡觉了, 喝少少酒希望可以受到酒精的刺激,头疼然后睡去, 玩电子游戏. 这些方法通通都无法让我乖乖地睡觉去. T.T. 我躺在床上时, 头脑就是一直在想东西. 我在床上左翻右翻; 时而觉得热, 时而感到有点冷; 我一下把被单踢到老远的, 一下又把被盖上. 更可恶的是, 我整个晚上都被那讨人厌的蚊子骚扰, 真是beh tahan!! 我都跟你说我很讨厌你咯, 蚊子!你还是要死缠烂打, 真是气死人!!



Not Alone

You gotta believe



下午刚吃饱午餐后, 我因为头有点疼, 所以就去睡个午睡. 哪知我就和最近这几天那样, 一躺在床上, 我就东想西想. 我在窗上翻来覆去的, 总是睡不到觉. 慢慢的, 我进入了梦竟. 我和几位朋友去了学校里刚装修好的电脑室玩扑克牌(LOL,但是我们还是有用电脑). 我朋友用的那台电脑是超级先进的, 而且是先进到懂得听人话的地步. 我因为一时贪玩, 说了一句"我不喜欢你"而被那台电脑追了整间电脑室, 最后还因为以为乖乖向他屈服他就会饶了我而被他抓上车再带到一个我非常陌生的地方.

去到了那陌生的地方, 有二到三位我不认识的男士上了车. 就这样, 我和那几位不明人士坐在车里, 一直不知道在哪里兜了又兜. 当时的自己, 不知为什么, 就是很肯定自己一定是在做梦, 所以, 我一直强逼自己开眼睛并回到现实中. 挣脱了很旧, 我终于回到了现实, 回到了自己的家. 看到那熟悉的房子里坐着熟悉的人, 我整个人松了一口气. 踏进屋子后, 我却发现刚才车上的那几位男士跟在我后头,走进了屋里. 我看了看我的家人, 深怕他们会误会他们是我的朋友, 想要向他们解释解释刚才所发生的一切, 谁知他们早就已经知道了. 我明明是在梦中遇到那几位不明人士, 怎么大家都会知道我去了哪里,还懂得一清二楚?? 我非常相信自己刚才是在发梦, 但听了他们的言语,看了他们若无奇事的表情, 我真的被搞得连梦竟还是现实都搞不清了. 分不清现实还是虚幻是件很令人烦恼的事. 分分中, 我还可能以为自己疯了. 那种感觉, 实在是很辛苦.

仔细想想, 其实我刚才明明是在睡午觉, 下午时分, 家里不可能有弟弟, 哥哥及爸爸坐在客厅. 对了! 我一定是在发梦.我醒来后, 应该要看到的是自己的房间, 而不是客厅. 我很努力很努力地逼自己睁开眼睛, 希望可以把自己拉回现实. 我试了好多次, 眼皮就是那么重. 不管我怎么努力, 还是不能把它给打开. 我微微地听到家里的电子钟报时说现在是下午五点钟. 听到钟声, 我知道自己就快要成功了. pohhh!一声, 我终于醒过来了. 我看到了自己的房间, 我听见了我房间里熟悉的风扇转动声. 哇!Finally!

啊!好恐怖的一个下午觉. 不止发了个怪梦, 还要是梦里有梦! 但是, 最恐怖的还不是梦里有梦, 而是那在梦竟与现实中徘徊的感觉, 整个人感觉上就像是个疯婆!

尝试要抽离梦竟的事情已不是第一次发生在我身上. 有时就算成功了, 当眼睛一关上, 梦还是会继续. 会继续的梦, 从来就只有恶梦, 例如枪杀案, 见鬼, 有阴阳眼等等, 感觉是超恐怖的!!

发完了一场恶梦, 离奇地感觉爽了一些, emo也没了. 也许是因为我在梦里发泄了一顿, 整个人松懈了下来. 或许这场梦可以让我不再整天闷闷不乐, 不再浪费我只有两个星期留在家里的时间. =)

p/s: 从梦中醒来后, 我就跳到电脑前上面子书和大家分享这件事. 我很不轻易地瞄了时钟一眼, 当时正是4:19pm.


Happy Birthday, DADDY!^^

12th of February is my dad's birthday and a small celebration had been planned for him. Honestly speaking, I found it awkward to have such a normal birthday celebration for my dad. Maybe that's because I'm too used to planning surprised parties for my friends in college. However, once I see the way how he enjoyed eating his favourite seafood buffet steamboat and the excitement he got when trying to see what we have bought him as present, I was relieved coz I can see that he's happy. I guess everyone will feel happy when they receive presents from their beloved ones.

It's a simple birthday celebration for my dad but I think that's enough to make him happy coz we all are united. We all are united in making this small celebration a heartwarming one just by going out for dinner together and then using our savings to buy him a present. It's a GPS unit actually. Hopefully with this device, don't-know-the-route wouldn't be an excuse for him and my mum to go anywhere they like.

Happy Birthday, Daddy! Stay happy and healthy always! ^^

p/s : part of the celebration is for my lil bro too. sorry for not being able to find a suitable present for him. Anyway, Happy Birthday to you too, HONG!=)

(photos will be uploaded later)


Meeting-Up-With-Friends KL Trip

Finally, on the 10th of February, we were all meeting up again in Midvalley Megamall. We went for karaoke, went for 'I Love Hong Kong' and also LIBRARY, a pub actually and this is my first time entering a pub. It's happy to have everyone, though some busy with summer course assignments and some living quite far away from KL, trying to make this gathering happens. Although it has been quite some time since we all last gathered, I felt truly comfortable with them around me. It's like we have not been seperated for a year. We chit chatted, we bombed each other like always, we played games together like last time except that we were not in 194 BU 6/2 or BU Emo Park but in a pub, we disturbed one another and we had pillow-talk. It really feels like last time which I'm very happy about but also cause me to emo a bit after going back to Kuatan coz I know I'm gonna miss it.

Sook Yan & Xing Jing

Singing K in The Garden's RedBox (we have more ppl joining us later)

Jia Jun(JJ) & Raphael

Drinking in the LIBRARY with yenshiang, JJ, Kenny, XJ, MengMin, Sy & Raphael

A 4 days 3 nights trip to KL is basically a Meeting-Up-With-Friends Trip. On arrival, I met up with a lecturer whom I respected a lot- Mr.Wong with some other friends. There were quite a lot of awkward silent moment in between and sorry Mr.Wong that I always don't get your jokes =.=, but, still I'm happy to see him again and have some updates about himself and his family and KBU college. He's a great teacher who will never give up in educating students. He taught us Economics in college but he seldom taught us how to score full marks in exams but he used a lot different ways to gain our interest in learning something that we are not familiar with. He took real action to give us support and assistance. Academic wise, he might not be the best teacher, but we will always like to talk to him and listen to his words because he understands us the best.

I also met up with another friend of mine together with a super close friend of mine. I always meet up with him when I go to KL and he is the one that never failed the meet-up. He talked a lot this time. I'm glad that he's the one doing the talking most of the time coz I prefer being a listener most of the time and at that time, I'm quite tired already. I'm happy for having him to trust my friend and I enough to tell us his problem. I'm happy for being able to his listener too. =)

For the first two nights in KL, I stayed in my super close friend's aunty house in Cheras. OMG! her house has three dogs with one bigger in size than another. WOW! It really scared me at first but eventually, I still get used to them sniffing around me but still not for them trying to lean on me. Anyway, we both had great nights in her aunty house. Once the light was off, we started pillow-talking. Our pillow talked topic was kind of serious, still it's great.

It's wonderful that I gotta meet up with my beloved college friends again. Though some of them couldn't make it, still, they will always in my heart. <3


OMG! I'm not ready yet


Three more weeks and I gotta go back to uni already...
and I'm still not ready yet.=.=
I haven't learn any design software that will be used for my design work this year
and I'm gonna die trying to catch up with others...
I haven't read up enough about architectural history
and I'm gonna die for not being able to write a good 2000 words essay...
I haven't work on my english
and I'm gonna continue to present my work with my full of grammar mistakes and lack of vocab english...

omg omG OMG!



其实, 我很想说, 我很爱唱歌. 我喜欢趁没人在家时大声练歌, 希望可以唱出我要的感觉; 我爱去KTV, 因为在那里我可以大声的唱, 并从speakers里清楚地听到自己的歌声.
1997年, 我参加了学校举办的歌唱比赛. 我以爸爸教我唱的 '好儿童' 歌曲, 获得了冠军!那是我人生中的第一个冠军, 但其实我没什么印象当时的自己是有多么的开心, 因为我当时就只有一年级而已.

三年级的时候, 我因为在学校举办的歌唱比赛中得了前三名以内的奖, 所以被派代表学校参加校际歌唱比赛, 最后还以第四名的成绩为校争光. 当时, 我有对自己的成绩感到意外, 但还是很开心.

到KTV唱歌时, 亲戚朋友们都会赞我唱歌好听, 歌声美妙.

谢谢大家对我的赞赏, 因为有人赞了, 所以我才敢大声地唱歌. 但但但但,说实话, 我并不觉得自己唱歌的功力很好. 高调一点的歌曲, 我就拉不上, 低调一点的歌, 我就唱得连声音都听不到.
我还真的很希望我常常会有时间练唱, 希望有一天, 我可以唱得一首好歌!

这一篇文章, 我还写得有点烂. 但我没怎么想如何要修好它. 抱歉!


CNY 2012

A very different but still wonderful CNY that i had this year. Instead of following the tradition of having reunion dinner in kuantan at my eldest uncle's house then go to my aunty house in klang on CNY 1st day and gamble all the way till 4th or 5th day of CNY, this year reunion dinner is at Klang in restaurant and then on the 1st day of CNY, all my family members and relatives went to Vietnam (Hanoi & Halong Bay). It's a 6 days 5 nights trip. All together 31 people from 8 families. It's the Heng, Wan, Wang, Wong, Yap & Chuah family trip!

'lau shang"

This is the very first time I experienced 'Lau Shang'.  I think I enjoy messing the table more than doing it for the sake of bring more luck to my life in this brand new year. haha! It does taste good btw.


steamed fish

鸡丝汤 (我还以为是鱼翅)

The food were not as nice as I expected and I'm kind of tired that day. Probably too much talking and laughing for the sake of fitting into the crowd and not to let others' down. However, i do feel happy to have all my relatives coming for this very meaningful dinner.

Vietnam Trip!

Enjoying "bo" for our first supper in Hanoi, Vietnam.

'bo gio'
On arrival, everyone was hungry and lucky for us to find this little food stall selling 'bo gio' aka beef noodles. It's a small shoplot furnished with kindergarten size tables and chairs. The first surprise we had after arrival. Next, it communication problem. WE DON'T UNDERSTAND VIETNAMESE AT ALL and THE HAWKER DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH AT ALL. We didn't know what he's selling, didn't know how to order, didn't know how to ask him how much ... ... OMG! This is the very first time I felt so helpless for not being able to communicate. We were like 鸡和鸭讲. In the end had to use sign language to express ourselves somemore. >.<

Boating at "Halong Bay on land" on the 2nd day
This place is like a heaven!

Tall rock mountains all around us

All his 划龙舟 memories were refreshed when he's rowing ^^

Boating through low ceiling cave. Truly enjoy!=)
Hanoi is quite an unorganised city for me. The houses are all in different heights, breaths and lengths. It seems like they are notwell-planned-constructions. Some of my relatives found it ugly but somehow, I find it unique and interesting. It's something new to me and worth exploring.  
Super complicated cables

Super-duper complicated cables

Colourful houses with different heights, breaths, lengths

Halong Bay
Fruit stalls on boat

We are going to the cave upthere!
Inside the cave
great stalagmite in the cave

spectacular view of Halong Bay when climbing the stairs up to the cave
Besides Halong Bay and "Halong Bay" on land, there were quite a lot of Buddhist and Zen temples that I had visited. The main purpose of having visits to temples is to understand and enjoy the great architecture of those temples built hundred of thousand years ago. As an architecture student, not ashame of me to tell you that I just have normal feeling towards the activity of appreciating the great architecture of those temples, but still, I did it just not to waste the opportunity to furthur understand Buddhist architecture. Temples there are mostly made of wood blocks. One great thing about them is they are constructed without using a single nail. That's pretty amazing, isn't it? =)

Bai Dinh Pagoda - the biggest buddhist temple in Vietnam
Bai Dinh Pagoda roof structure
Bai Dinh Pagoda interior

Du Hang Pagoda
Ritual ceremony in Temple of Literature
Hanoi is a metropolitan city but it's still under development. While traveling from one destination to another destination, I can see a lot of unfinished constructions along the roadside. There's a lack  of organisation for the whole city. Shophouses are all of different sizes, electricity cables are intertwined in a very disorder manner and the traffic there is terrible even with traffic lights normally operated cz when it turns red, no vehicles is stopping at all. The city is seriously polluted. All day long I can hear horns everywhere.  Poisonous fumes emitted from vehicles can be smelled anytime which makes me feel terribly sick. I hate smokes!!!

For this 6 days 5 nights trip, I truly enjoyed it, not just because Vietnam is an interesting place, but the people who went for the trip together with me, makes the vacation the most wonderful ever one. I feel blessed to have such a big great lovely family. Hopefully, there'll be another one for the next year, the next next year and forever. ^^

I love you~You love me~We are one BIG family~
(not in pic: chia yee and her family members, my bro the cameraman, my dad elder sister husband and mian yi)