

我老远从澳洲回来40当中有12天是我们一起度过的日子. 这个天数还算是很不错了. 谢谢你肯为我牺牲那么多, 谢谢你肯为我花你辛辛苦苦赚回来的钱. 你每天都已经在和时间赛跑了, 但是在我回来的那一天, 你还是特地驾车到机场接我, 还在机场拿着你做了整天及超级肉麻的示爱卡片, 等我一从机场出来时, 就一张一张地翻给我看. 不好意思哦! 我没等你翻完我就走到你面前了, 还要什么都没做, 就是一直在笑, 搞到你有点儿措手不及, 失望但又不可以随意放弃. 真的很不好意思哦我知道我很坏, 常常破坏你的计划, 但是你的爱意, 我真的心领了. 谢谢你哦! <3 o:p="">

看到你精心制作的试爱卡片已经是个很大的惊喜, 谁知道接下来还是惊喜连连. 一来到你的车停放的地方, 我就看到一只可爱的froggy乖乖地坐在车前位等着我去抱他. 他真的真的真的很很很可爱ehhhh...呵呵呵...你就知道我会喜欢这么可爱的东西...但仔细地看一看他, 其实重点不完全是在于他, 而是他颈项挂着你坚持要送给我但是我挑战你以比较有创意性的方式送给我的paperclip项链. 还有的就是你以做善事换取的心型吊饰. 我从没想过你真的会接受我的挑战想个办法把那个你非常有创意的项链送给我. 看到他时, 我真的有很惊讶!

可以坐你开的车, 不知道为什么, 我就是很开心. 那是我在回去之前小小的愿望, 现在终于愿望达成了. 呵呵呵...我很自在地坐在你的车内; 我左望右望, 动这个动那个, 开这个开那个, 结果既然在你车的柜里找到了你要送给我的礼物, 上面还写着 “I Love You Forever” “Bi Bi Jia You Ya, I Support You”. 呵呵呵...你的头脑到底是怎样想东西的? 你怎么知道我一定会开那个drawer 的呢? Ishhhh...不甘愿被你猜到我的头脑在想什么...但是想到你做礼物做到emo, 我就心里爽了很多下...keke. 爱你哦!

好啦!看了你怎么花心思花时间来讨好我的心, 现在要看你怎么尽力地争取我父母的准许来和你在一起. 原本你到访关丹的计划是10天的, 当中需要拿4天的假期, 但因为公司迟迟不让你take leave, 所以你最后决定罢工一天到关丹来探访我家人. 喂啊! 你当时还在赶工的叻! 工都已经来不及做完了, 还要放自己假跑来关丹, 真是令我担心不已. 我担心你万一被公司发现偷懒, 工作表现会被扣分, 又担心你回去后要天天敖夜把工作做完, arghhhhh...虽然我心里很想要你来, 但是我还是叫你不用来了, 最后呢, 你还是来了.我又担心又感动, 真不知道该怎么讲你. 你说, 两个人谈恋爱, 最重要是得到家人的祝福. 这一次, 是你唯一可以接触到我父母的一次. 现在不去见见他们, 和他们交流交流, 恐怕要等多一年才可以再这样做. 虽然我知道家人的祝福是很重要的, 但我没想过你会那么的坚持. 最后你果然给我父母留下了一个好印象. 五天后, 你走了之后, 妈妈常常都会提起你. 她记得你喜欢吃的东西, 她记得你告诉过她的东西. 她还赞你说你的人很健谈, 而且懂的东西很多, 所以当她和你讲起话来, 觉得很爽. 听到她对你的称赞, 我日后要向他们提起你, 都不会觉得太尴尬了. 谢谢你的坚持和牺牲. 在那短短的五天内, 你除了讨到了我父母的心, 你也让我觉得很快乐, 很幸福. 我们都没什么出去玩, 只是早上陪妈妈一起去喝茶, 在家看电视机, 玩一玩sudoku, 炸一炸芽姑, 帮妈妈拔一拔虾, 偶尔才去一去海边. 简单的生活但却是很温馨. 谢谢你! 好爱你哦!

我们相聚的最后一次, 就是在我还没去槟城前的那几天. 我很开心, 因为我终于又可以再见到你. 住在我表姐家的那几天, 我终于有机会可以为你做饭了. 虽然你每天做工做到很迟, 但你还是会来到我表姐家吃饭, 还陪我陪到很迟才回家, 第二天的时候又七早八早起床去上班, 真是辛苦你了. 周末的时候, 虽然你累得不怎么想出门了, 但你还是陪我出去玩, 玩的还不是什么轻松的游戏, 而是走路绕很大很大的植物公园, 骑脚踏车上斜坡下斜坡到3km 外的果园看果树. 我都累到半死了, 更何况是你. 你那么累了, 还要做我的司机, 做我的佣人, 载我去吃饭, 载我去买菜, 帮我扛菜篮, 帮我切菜煮饭, 带我去买车票. 这全部还是要免费的!你真的真的是太好人了. 我有点不好意思搞到你那么累, 还花了你那么多的钱, 但是我很谢谢你为我做了那么多. 有你疼, 我真的很幸福! 谢谢!<3 o:p="">

甜蜜与快乐的时间很快过. 多几天, 我又要飞回澳州了. 有你陪伴的那几天, 我真的很开心, 很幸福. 也因为这样, 我有点变得很依赖你, 造成我更加地舍不得回去. 但是我们总改不了事实, 所以我一定会在那里好好地过, 不让你担心. 接下来的10个月一定不简单. 想念是一定会有, 而且频率一定很高, 但是我今年的努力都是为了将来的好, 所以我一定会加油加油再加油谢谢你的礼物, 我会把他们一起带到外国去. 里面有你为我加油打气的话. 拼到累了, 我就会看一看他, 重拾力气然后再努力奋斗. 爱你


The paperclip 项链 & 心型吊饰

A book that tell the story between us through songs lyrics

A book with motivational quotes and words inside to help me get through the toughest year in uni

The very innocent drawing from him. I just love the way it is. 








梁文音 -- 心里的孩子

The realistic society will always turn us into a realistic adult. I wouldn't let myself to become one of them. Changes are required when the time comes but not to the point where i will completely lost myself. Don't complicate things and don't get carried away by money and power.


The AWESOME summer break in Sydney!

It's quite a late update from me but it's definitely something worth to be noted down here.

On 13th November 2012, it marked the end of my second year second sem studies. From that day onwards until the day i left sydney, i had a wonderful summer break in Sydney. I played lots, learnt lots, met new friends, met good people and had fostered better relationship with friends who had stayed in sydney for summer break. I worked as a part time cafe all-rounder in a bakery cafe for three days in a week. For my non-working days, I either enjoy myself at home or hang out with friends. =)

1. 21st Birthday celebrationssss

- My birthday had already celebrated by different group of friends at different times at different places before and on my birthday but there's still a big celebration for me on the next day of my birthday. Touched as everyone is willing to pull some time out in the middle of exam period for me. <3 div="">
my 21st birthday celebration @ home thai, sydney

my very amazing friends!! <3 td="">

present from SY, DZ and Eunice ^^

Eunice's treat for my birthday @ Grill'd, Darling Harbour, Sydney. 
Birthday treats for the "three sisters" @ Lindt, Darling Harbour, Sydney
Birthday Treats from the "three sisters" @ Chat Thai, Sydney

2. Dong Zhi Jie Kuai Le @ Jabez's House

- first time making of tang yuan. it's very successful and very fun!!! tang yuan making process by JJ

the three masterchefs =))

3. X'mas Decoration hunt around Sydney

@ Sydney Town Hall
@ Sydney Town Hall

@ St.Mary Cathedral
@ St.Mary Cathedral
@ St.Mary Cathedral

@ Darling Harbour

@ Martin Place, Sydney

4. X'mas Celebration

- I don't really know ppl in Unibuds but they are all very friendly. Nice food with nice people. We play cards until 3am and i'm happy that i had made new friends. =))
X'mas celebration with Unibuds (new friends) =)

X'mas dinner with JJ and Li Ti

5. Boxing Day @ Shopping Day

- super crazy shoppers all around. I bought nothing in the end. Didn't plan to buy anything in the first place. I was just there to see see and look look. 
Super crowded condition @ juntions where all the shopping malls gather
Fully-packed condition @ Pitt Street Mall
The two champions of the day  =D

6. A day at Artarmon & Chatswood with a friend from China - Li Sheng

- I feel no pressure talking to her. Silence moment was not awkward and i like the place where she's staying. It's like a holiday village. A good place to relax myself after the very stressful uni life. 
The very cautious cook, checking recipe from time to time when cooking =)
in the process... kekeke
dang dang dang dang!
the sweet and spicy vinegar pork rib with sesame
It's lunch time! the 煎饼 and 土豆丝 were prepared by 阿姨 =))

Scenery around Li Sheng's apartment @ Artarmon


7. New Year Eve Celebration @ Blues Point Reserve

- the first thing that comes to my mind when i recall about this -- the toilet queue is soooooo longggggg!!! and the smell is aweful! eeeiwwwwww. but anyway, i had fun there though it's hot to sit under the sun and tiring. I reached home at around 3am. woahhh!
camped there since 10am and we SABO to kill the time =P
Happy New Year!!!

8. Birthday Celebrations

- the two gentleman who had taken care of me real good especially during this summer break. Whenever we hang out until very late at night, they will always welcome me to go to Jabez's homestay or JJ and Li Ti's Resort. =). Anyway, Happy Birthday!

Li Ti's 22nd B'day Celebration
Jabez's 24th B'day Celebration @ Chat Thai, Sydney

 9. Visits to Madame Tussauds, Sydney Tower and Sydney Aquarium

- we spent one day in each place. The three places are not very awesome, but with the three gentleman, it's awesome!! Nice memories there ~

10. A day out to Banktown with my new Vietnamese temporary roomate - Cindy

- got the chance to taste real Vietnamese food and they were indeed niceeeee except for the tofu like thingy which i found out from Cindy is pork blood. OMG

Bun Bo Hue (Hue Style Spicy Beef Noodle) recommended by Cindy. Delicious!!!
Durian + Avocado Ice Blend recommended by Cindy
First thought is eiiwwww, once in my month, niceeeeee!!

11. Working as a all-rounder in a Bakery Cafe for 2 months 

- thanks for Eden for willing to employ me even though i have no working experience in a cafe before and know nothing about coffee at all. Thanks to my colleagues for their guidance and encouragements too. I was really nervous for the first three weeks working there but after that, i start to become more confident in making coffee. I always looked forward to work there as everytime i went there, i will get the chance to improve myself. 

- talk to Eden quite a lot after working. I love the way he think about business. Quality always come first. Profit comes the second. =))

latte/hot chocolate I made 
the always very delicious lunch prepared by Eden (my boss). Miss it so much!!

12. Gifts from a Vietnamese friend whom I never know I can get so close to within a short time.Thank you!

- we only know each other for 10days but within the 10 days, she had done a lot for me and we had done lots of things together. She studies interior design and she had showed me the work that she's very proud of on the very first day we met. She had cook a lot for me and let me know about Vietnamese food and culture more within the 10 days. We had watched a horror cartoon together. I never dare to watch but because of her, i watched. We had cook together, went to the Dymocks bookstore in the city together, went to banktown together, shared music, went for window shopping together and ate the 1 dollar mizuya green tea ice-cream together. She even plead me to promise her that i will go to Ho Chi Minh for vacation one day in the future. This is sooooo unbelievable but it's true!

Vietnamese porridge prepared by Cindy when I was away for work.  Touched when i see this after coming back from work. 
Another Vietnamese dish prepared by Cindy 

A promise drawing from Cindy. I will see it when I back to Sydney and back to the room that we had shared just for 10 days. <3 td="">