
what's so fun about talking?

What’s so fun about talking? There are people who love talking so much until they feel so uncomfortable when they are forced to close their mouth for even a second. I don’t know why I will just don’t have the feeling of talking to anybody recently. Nope! It should be all the time. When I was at home, I keep quiet for most of the time but surprisingly, I don’t feel uneasy at all. Talking is just not my favourite passing-time activity. I play organ, read books, draw portraits and watch movies when I am free. All these activities do not need me to communicate with anyone actually and I wonder is it because I am so used to it, I start to feel lazy to talk?

Why am I feeling so reluctant to open my mouth and talk? When others chatting, I don’t have the feeling to join their conversation but I do have the interest in knowing what they are discussing about. Sometimes, when they try to tease me and if so happen I’m emo-ing, I will just give them a smile and remain silent all the way. However, I like listening to their debate. Most of the time, they are hilarious but I just don’t like to involve in it. I will pour cold water on them and let everything end with no chance to continue at all. What is the purpose of talking? I actually found the answer when I asked myself just now. It’s to get up to date to others current situation and to express our thoughts and feelings right? I know this is the right answer but I always have problems in expressing my feelings. I got the idea in my mind but I can’t put them into words. SO, there’s gone one of reason for me to talk. Constantly keep abreast with others’ current conditions. I know I should do this but I always fail in this mission. I dunoe how to dig up information about this from them, that’s why I always the most dunoe-anything-one.

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