
tc trip...i like it...thanks, my friends..

the day before i went for national service, my friends had planned a farewell party for me...we went to teluk chempedak ,the most beautiful place in kuantan, i guess...i never expect that someone will plan this for me...i am really surprised and grateful to them...i enjoy the party...i feel that i am actually important for them...we played rainbow-coloured kite together for only a few minutes (mae paid for the kite as a farewell gift for me)...we took a lot a lot a lot of photos...haha!funny funny photos ....hoay teng is our photographer for the whole party BUT i managed to snap a few photos of this camera phorbia phorographer....HEHE! we ate mcdonald ice-cream together ( ee siew paid for my ice-cream)...we ate jelly ice cream too ( most of the tc visitors favourite dessert)...we tried to go to tc second beach too but we failed to do that...not because it was too late...not because we were exhausted...not because it was high time for us to go home...IT IS BECAUSE WE ARE SURROUNDED BY MONKEYS....monkeys attacked all the bridge crossers in order to get food...scary monkeys...five times smaller than human but have ten times greater heart than human...so aggressive the monkeys...AGGRESSIVE MONKEYS...VIOLENT MONKEYS...should send them to school to learn some simple manner...STEALING IS A CRIME...i would never ever forget about the moment when the KEKWA AIR KOTAK that i shared with ee siew had grabbed away by those uneducated monkeys....

tc trip, a memorable day for me...i enjoy it very much....thanks for my friends--mae, lee cheng, lee hoong, ee siew, hoay teng....thanks for celebrating for me...and for those who couldn't make it to the party, don't feel bad about that...i understand that you all can't go for certain reason....i won't blame you all because you all are my friends...THANKS THANKS THANKS !!!!!


  1. U SuRe iMPoRtAnT FoR Us La.. WaiT U CoMe BaCk FrOm NS, wE aLL Go aGaiN... BuY aNoThEr KiTe FoR U, SiGn oN ToP oF tHe KiTe, tHeN wE fLy KiTe ToGeThEr...

  2. ok ok ok...quite a good idea...i like it...but this time we must make it to the second bay...cannot surrender to the monkeys again...

  3. Ya, sTuPiD MoNkEyS.. DuN BriNgS FoOd Or DriNkS tHiS TiMe..
