


在对天下的爸爸那么重要的一个日子里, 身在远方的我还是不会忘了向你说声谢谢, 不是因为今天是父亲节所以才说, 而是聚集了所有的理由, 想在很有意义的这一天, 真心地说, 谢谢您, 爸爸!

从小到大, 您教会了我很多东西. 我会唱歌(最后还在一年级的华语歌唱比赛中得到冠军), 我会骑脚踏车, 我会大羽毛球, 我会写书法, 全都是因为有您的教导, 甚至是驾车, 也多谢您耐心的教导, 我才可以勉强地安全在路上行使. 更重要的是, 您一直以来都是我学习的好榜样. 也许您不知道, 其实我一直以来都有在观察与注意您的言行举止, 并从您身上学到了很多待人处事的方法及做人的道理.

一直以来, 您都有在为工作而忙, 为工作而烦恼. 一年365天, 您唯有真正休息的日子就是在新年的时候. 但我还是很感激您从不忘记抽空陪伴我们及带我们去旅行. 每个星期日早上, 我们一家人都会一起去吃早餐, 到现在我还是很喜欢这个tradition. HEHE! 一家人可以出去吃早餐, 对我来说是件很开心的事. 因此, 我都会尽量不错过它!吃完早餐后, 就算是有工作要做, 您还是会选择留在家里, 有时会闷到一直在睡觉, 但还是会坚持不去做工, 说是想要偷懒, 但其实是想要留在家里陪我们. =)

您是我们家里唯一的经济来源. 您做的工是需要靠劳力的; 赚回来的钱是血汗钱. 谢谢您无怨无悔地努力及脚踏实地赚钱养活我们, 并让我们拥有一个幸福, 美满及安稳的生活. 我现在还不会赚钱, 一定会养您及照顾您, 当然, 还有妈咪! (妈咪, 我知道您会和爸爸一起读这一篇文章,keke, 所以不用jealous, 两个都养!)

好了!我好像在写作文了. 原本只是想写几句而已, 结果越写就越多东西写. 现在也只是被迫停笔而已, 因为如果真的要写, 100页都写不完. 这证明了您对我们的爱实在是太多太多了! =)

父亲节快乐! 您年纪不小了, 所以要好好照顾身体哦! 健康很重要啊!不要操劳过度. 还有, 做自己能力范围内可以做到的事就可以了.人老了, 不得不认, 不然您就会忽略了很多您在这一个年纪需要注意的东西. 生理上老了没关系, 心灵上还是年轻的就可以了. 看见自己一年比一年老, 难免会想念年轻有为的自己. 但是, 在人生的每一个阶段, 都有值得享受及珍惜的福.

在此再次祝您父亲节快乐! 天天快快乐乐!

您漂亮的女儿 (hehe)


Learning about Architecture

After all the mental preparation for a fail for my design studio subject, it turns out I didn’t fail. I got a pass and that’s enough to make me happy because they give me a chance to proceed to the next level in my study about architecture.

Chatted a while with my tutor before getting my result and she actually found out the reason why I fail to develop my ideas in a more advance level.

“Architecture is not math. There is no formulae on how you can design a building and it’s always about TRIAL AND ERROR. You will just have to keep designing and designing until you get the right sense of it.”

“Putting people in the space that you have created, showing how the space can be used doesn’t mean in real life people will use it that way. You will actually have to create the space in such the way that people will feel that that’s the way they can use the space.”

Architecture is not easy.

I started off don’t know anything about it and I’m not shown how to do the right thing starting from the beginning. In fact, there’s no right way of doing things in architecture. It’s all about feel and sense. Along the journey of learning about architecture, I fall, I got upset, I got demotivated and then I reflect and I rise again. And then I fall, I got upset, I got demotivated and then I reflect and then I rise again. It’s a cycle, an endless one. It required a lot of deep thinking and pondering which makes it so tiresome. I remember how torturing I feel and how reluctant I feel whenever I need to think about an idea for my design studio project. That’s the time when I posted the most negative status on facebook, if you realise.

However, if the right way is shown starting from the beginning, I bet I will never learn as much as I had now. If the right way is shown from the beginning, I will never explore and I will gradually lose the spirit to explore on new things which may lead me to new discoveries. If the right way is shown from the beginning, I will just stick to what I had taught to be the right way of doing things and when things go wrong, I will stuck. I think, we can learn the most when we explore something on our own. At least, this applies to me.

Architecture is not easy. I do think of giving up in becoming an architect before (because I don’t think I’m qualified) but thanks to fellow tutors and lecturers, now I see hope in it.

“Architecture can’t help to solve any problem. It can only provide a platform for a problem to be solved.”

“Architecture is about creating sense and being an architect is just like being an author of a book. You have to take control of everything to lead people to think or feel in the way of how you want them to think or feel. To do that, an author of a book plays with words and plots whereas an architect plays with proportion and arrangement of space.”

On last two week Architectural Technologies lecture, we actually had all our tutors each having around 5-10minutes time talk about their career as architects. It was really a useful session as it makes me feel like I’m getting closer to the world of architecture. There’re also advices given by tutors for us to keep in mind in our journey to become an architect.

“To be an architect, we must first become the scientists, only then can we be artists!”

“Creation is a patient search.”

“One thing common in all architects is they love to make things.”

I’m glad that I LEARNT A LOTS in this semester and in fact, in every semester. I don’t get good grades but I LEARNT and I GROW. That’s more important than anything. =)

No promise yet

For this kind of decision-making, I have to listen very dearly to my heart. Others’ opinions can only be references to me. I have to make the decision myself because after all, I’m the one who will have to live with it.

After so many years, I am being put into almost the same situation again except for this time, I have less excuses to say no. After so many years, I have grown up. I have the capability to deal with this kind of matter better. Instead of thinking after doing, I think more before I do. In this case, I guess it’s good because I will be more ready to accept what is going to happen.

You are not bad at all. In fact, we are very similar in a lot of ways but still, I’m not going to give it go for now because my past experiences tell me a relationship can’t start from a ‘virtual’ one. Interaction and communication is more than just keeping in touch with each other. There are a lot more than that that makes interaction with every single person we met special in their own ways. Technology can replace the everyday face to face and real interaction that I strongly insist on having before I can consider saying yes. I might miss you in the end but I would rather miss it than having me to screw you when you have gotten much deeper than now.

Anyway, thank you for choosing me and thank you for wanting to know more about me. But still, I won’t promise you anything. I have to and I am going to be very firm with this this time.

Life is Good

Overall, life is good to me recently. Firstly, I keep getting free stuffs recently and they are all unexpected. I got free ticket to go for Jayesless Concert on the day I submitted my final presentation sheet and model. I got a free breakfast from a friend of mine who had extra just because it’s cheap. I got free Max Brenner mocha from a senior of mine when I accompany him to get a drink for himself after seeing him being so stress up with his work. I got treated sushi for lunch as I helped a friend of mine with his axonometric drawing and I got treated for dinner for willing to spare some time to attend my super seniors’ graduation. All of a sudden, so many free meals and stuffs! It feels great to be treated with free things but I did feel guilty as well because it’s always people treating me and I’m not treating anyone. Hmmmm....

Secondly, life is good to me recently because I feel being showered with love and care from friends and family. Once in a while, I have friends poking me, some saying hi or hi fan shu and some asking me how are you today. I have friends who like the same kind of music with me, so once in a while, I have friends recommending my type of songs to me which is enough to make my day sometimes. Some mornings, I have a friend who will greet me morning and I will greet back and sometimes, give him motivation to start in a bread new day. At times when I am depressed with my work, I have a friend who will just send a random short message to me saying “ onemeiliansia”. Haha. That’s enough to brighten up my mood. Once in a while, I got motivation from my friends telling me to gambateh with my work and they make me feel loved.

Thirdly, life is good recently because I had watched two very meaningful and heart-warming animes, one is Usagi Drop, and one is HanasakuIroha. There are valuable messages I learnt from those two animes and I am considering rewatching them because they are good reminder to the way I should lead my life.

Should be lastly, life is good to me because I see happiness in my elder brother. My elder bro just appear on newspaper recently. An interview was conducted with him recently, asking him how actually he can make money while studying. I like the answer he gave for the whole interview. That’s my gorgor! I’m so proud of him, not just for his success, but for the values and principles that he holds on to all this while. He’s a good role model for me and my younger brother. I’m happy to see my gorgor being so sweet with his girlfriend as well. Awhhh... the sweet couple! They are just so lovely. I am happy that they had actually found each other.

Oh yeah! Life is good recently!^^