

Went for a photography session today. Free make-up, free hair styling and one free A4 size photograph. I never asked for it but my mum registered it for me before i came back from Sydney. Honestly, i was a bit shy to go for this kind of stuff because I'm not a great fan of comestics and sorry to the promoter because i'm STILL NOT even after the photography session. However, it was quite a great experience for me, ESPECIALLY the photography session. I had to post like a model - cross my legs, twist my body, twist my head to different angles, hold the jacket, hold the hat, change the shoulder angles... I was really shy about it initially coz i'm not used to it but in the end, i still able to go through the session without much troubles. One thing i realise about modeling is YOU REALLY NEED TO BE CONFIDENT TO YOURSELF.


It doesn't look like me right? and my finger looks so short. T.T 

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