

对电脑对了整个早上和下午, 好累啊! 还要是没把今天定下的任务做完就回家了. >.< 不是我不要把它完成, 而是我已经累到有点想作呕的感觉了.

回家路上, 我的脑袋内总有想要找个人来聊聊天,诉诉苦, 散散心的念头, 但想到身边的朋友们都已经在为自己的功课而烦恼, 所以最后我还是一个人默默地走回家了. 我有曾想过在面子书shoutout, 看看谁能来陪陪我谈天, 逗我开心一会儿, 但我又不怎么想让大家知道我又emo了,所以最后我还是没在面子书写任何东西.

回到家了.还是没有人. 寂寞?

1 comment:

  1. where is sy? nvm ml..u can oways find us though we are frustrated with our studies..bcuz i think we all need ppl to talk to too even though v r busy..u can oways giv us a buzz or what..u can oways juz express urself in any method..i can understand the feeling of wanting someone to talk to when study up to a point where u feel very sien and wanna vomit ==..
